Saturday, September 12, 2020

Back at the Light Table

And so, much has happened creatively and personally since I last sketched.

After the prescribed 10 years with Alzheimer's disease, my Mom died. Grief lasts as long as it lasts. Time forces grief's waves to roll past less often with decreased intensity.

During the grief, Hannah Gadsby subverted the patriarchy with Nanette. Carol Anderson described White Rage. Senator Murray Sinclair released 94 Calls to Action. Canada elected its 23rd Prime Minister. British Columbia elected its 36th Premier and a minority government. The United States of America inaugurated its 45th President. The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls released its final report including 231 calls for justice and the conclusion that Canada’s treatment of cases amounted to genocide. British Columbia adopted the United Nations' Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The earth warmed. Black lives mattered. Another disease outbreak infected the world's human population.

Design work with the Province was busy. Throughout the last few years the minority government has made the effort to prove itself worthy of a majority.

And the small pleasures of life released grief's hold. Glenn and I kayaked. Ken and I visited the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. Beers with Dave. Camping with the Mike and Diane. Mike made some fine music. Margo engaged me to illustrate one of her short stories. Many great visits with family throughout the country. And throughout was Sandra's love.

So much to be grateful for, yes. So much that must change. We create the laws that rule us. We must ensure these laws are merciful and just for all peoples, not a privileged few.