The lamp-post banner designs I created for the City of Victoria a few summers ago continue to be repurposed by the city's Downtown Community Development Coordinator, Mike Hill.
A while ago, I was asked to re-deploy the pink salmon motif on a bike lock-up outside of the Mountain Equipment Co-op on Government. Recently, Mike asked if I could re-jig the motif to wrap an electrical junction box, similar to others the city has around town.The thought behind wrapping these structures with artwork is to deter graffiti and vandalism. Artists won't tag another's artist's work. Duchamp was probably sick the day that lesson was taught.
However, the scope of this small project slowly changed from a junction box to the new Portland Loo on Langley Street.

Ideally, I would love to re-jig the work to wrap the structure (because there's a lot of uncovered area ripe for tagging), but I'll leave that for Mike to ponder. Maybe his crew would consider a wood panel or cedar shake motif with a moon on the door.