Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Muse Passes

My buddy, Bob Fehr, died. He was diagnosed with cancer last May. His memorial was yesterday. My manager and good friend, Andrew Pratt, was one of the four gents who spoke at Bob's memorial and provided Bob's family and the folks in attendance with a glimpse into life of a wonderful colleague and friend.
While cleaning up Bob's desk at work, I came across some slides that reflect on a concept I've been toying with around branching and trees. Not grandiose Hockney winter trees, but more reflective and expectant winter trees. Knowing Bob had a similar vision, I have to roll up my sleeves.
Have you yourselves ever had a year in your life that knocks the stuffing out of you? This one is it. However, as Calvin Coolidge remarked, the slogan "Press on" has solved, and will always solve, the problems of the human race. After a long hiatus, it's time to start working again. I hope I remember how…

We'll all miss you, Bob.